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Workshop: Writing Women’s Lives

29. März 2023 @ 17:00 - 19:30

Work­shop: Wri­ting Women’s Lives: Femi­nist Auto­eth­no­gra­phy and Oral History

March 29, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm, CEU, Quel­len­stra­ße 51 (room: A‑516), 1100 Wien

Orga­nis­ed by the Poli­ti­cal, Legal, and Moral Phi­lo­so­phy rese­arch group (POLEMO) and the South/South Move­ment, in coope­ra­ti­on with CEU Com­mu­ni­ty Enga­ge­ment Office and the Depart­ment of Gen­der Stu­dies at Cen­tral Euro­pean University

The inter­ac­ti­ve work­shop will explo­re the place of auto­eth­no­gra­phy within the tra­di­ti­on of femi­nist nar­ra­ti­ve wri­ting. Nar­ra­ti­ve „wri­ting the self“ has long been reco­gni­zed as an important method for femi­nists. Auto­eth­no­gra­phy draws upon a social sci­en­ti­fic tra­di­ti­on to approach and under­stand embo­di­ed events and emo­ti­ons that repre­sent wider cul­tu­ral trends and mea­nings. With a focus on how nar­ra­ti­ve empha­si­zes a plu­ra­li­ty of truths and embo­di­ed rea­li­ties, the spea­k­ers will explo­re how nar­ra­ti­ve methods open up a way of under­stan­ding of per­so­nal expe­ri­en­ces „bey­ond spe­ci­fic his­to­ri­cal con­texts or shif­ting rela­ti­ons of power and ine­qua­li­ties“ (Bell, 2000: 139).

Lang­au­ge: English

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