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Talk: The Art of Arriving: Loss, Identity, and Gender in Forced Migration

17. Jänner @ 18:00 - 20:00


Talk on Fri­day, 17th Janu­ary 2025, 6 p.m.

The Art of Arri­ving: Loss, Iden­ti­ty, and Gen­der in Forced Migration
with Ole­na Tka­lich (jour­na­list, socio­lo­gist, gen­der rese­ar­cher) and Yely­za­ve­ta Zolo­ta­ro­va (MA in Natio­na­lism Stu­dies, Tur­ko­lo­gist, Translator)

In 2022, a few months after the inva­si­on of Rus­sia began, we were invi­ted to the pro­ject “The Art of Arri­ving”. We have dif­fe­rent back­grounds: Yely­za­ve­ta was a stu­dent at CEU and came to Vien­na befo­re the war, Ole­na left Ukrai­ne with her child­ren after hosti­li­ties began. In the pro­ject we focu­sed on chal­lenges at an indi­vi­du­al and inter­ac­tion­al level when peo­p­le talk about the pain of loss, and their per­spec­ti­ves in Aus­tri­an and Ukrai­ni­an socie­ty. We also iden­ti­fied gen­der-spe­ci­fic cha­rac­te­ristics. For exam­p­le, the expe­ri­ence of mother­hood during forced migra­ti­on or the seve­ri­ty of the fee­ling of shame due to the “sur­vi­val complex”.

Host: Ger­lin­de Maue­rer (PhD, MA, social sci­en­tist, gen­der and fami­ly stu­dies, cri­ti­cal masculinities)

Loca­ti­on: Frau­en­hetz, Unte­re Weiß­ger­ber­stra­ße 41, 1030 Wien

Online par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on via Zoom by regis­tering by 6 p.m. on Wed, 15th Janu­ary 2025 at
The event is for women.

Die Ver­an­stal­tung wird auf Eng­lisch abgehalten.

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