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Online-Workshop: Human Rights reporting

7. März 2022 @ 18:30 - 20:30

In this work­shop we will dis­cuss the poten­ti­al of jour­na­lism in
con­tri­bu­ting to human rights pro­tec­tion, awa­re­ness and deba­te, in
igno­ring, silen­cing or mis­re­pre­sen­ting human rights issues around the
world or, in extre­me situa­tions, in inci­ting hat­red, geno­ci­de and crimes
against huma­ni­ty. We will pro­vi­de insight into how jour­na­lists translate
human rights issues, reve­al­ing dif­fe­rent report­ing pat­terns and levels
of detail in report­ing, and sug­gest­ing dif­fe­rent levels of engagement
with human rights issues.


* An inter­ac­ti­ve exch­an­ge of expe­ri­en­ces on human rights reporting.
* Dis­cus­sing the most important fac­tors that encou­ra­ge or limit the
covera­ge of human rights news.

* Groun­ded in a clo­se exami­na­ti­on of the news pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses and
key moments whe­re pos­si­ble human rights sto­ries are contemplated,
deci­ded or even­tual­ly igno­red, we open up new insights into the
com­ple­xi­ties and cons­traints of human rights report­ing today.

SPEAKER: Sara Cre­ta, Sara Cre­ta is an award-win­ning pho­to­jour­na­list and
docu­men­ta­ry film­ma­ker, with exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence inves­ti­ga­ting human
rights abu­ses. Over the past years, she docu­men­ted on-the-ground
con­di­ti­ons in forced migra­ti­on situa­ti­on, human rights vio­la­ti­on, crisis
manage­ment and cul­tures in transition.

Sara’s recent bodies of work in Libya include „Libya, No Escape from
Hell“ a 60 minu­tes-long docu­men­ta­ry for ARTE film­ed in Libya on the
enti­re detenti­on sys­tem and the role of the militi­as; a
joint-inves­ti­ga­ti­on by Light­house Reports, Der Spie­gel, ARD, Liberation
and Il Doma­ni on the role play­ed by Fron­tex air sur­veil­lan­ce assets in
the inter­cep­ting and retur­ning asyl­um-see­kers to Libya and „The Ship
That Stop­ped 7,000 Migrants, and Smug­g­led 700,000 Ciga­ret­tes“ for The
New York Times, an inves­ti­ga­ti­on on an Ita­li­an war­ship that was deployed
to Tri­po­li to help com­bat people-smugglers.

In 2019, she was in Sudan to cover the upri­sing for the ARTE, a
Fran­co-Ger­man free-to-air tele­vi­si­on net­work and she co-aut­ho­red a 22
minu­tes docu­men­ta­ry on Women’s sto­ries from the front­li­ne of Sudan’s

In the past, she has work­ed with the Ger­man Tele­vi­si­on ZDF on a
docu­men­ta­ry about Libya and EU poli­ci­es; on a docu­men­ta­ry series on
migra­ti­on in the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an for NRK, tele­vi­si­on in Nor­way; film­ed at
the bor­der bet­ween Moroc­co and Spain with RAI, Ita­li­an television.

WHEN/WHERE: 7th of March 2022 6:30–8:30 pm, on Zoom (LINK is sent to
you, after you have registered).

REGISTRATION: The web­i­nar-par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on is free char­ge and open to all
gen­ders. Plea­se send a mail until the 3rd of March to Tania Napravnik =>


7. März 2022
18:30 - 20:30
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