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Workshop: Storytelling and Empowerment

4. April 2019 @ 16:00 - 21:00

Work­shop with Maia Chi­ta­ia (Geor­gia)

Do, 4. April 2019, 16.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Radio ORANGE 94.0, Klos­ter­neu­bur­ger Stra­ße 1 (Ecke Gauß­platz), 1200 Wien

Per­so­nal sto­rytel­ling has a magni­fi­cent power in modern jour­na­lism. It gives the rea­der the sen­se of rea­li­ty, wit­hout dis­tort­ing it. It increa­ses the cre­di­bi­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty through trig­ge­ring the emo­tio­nal fac­tors that final­ly lead the sto­rytel­ler to empower­ment and the rea­der to a sen­se of solidarity.

During the work­shop, we will learn how to crea­te the best per­so­nal sto­ry. We will dis­cuss the fol­lo­wing questions:
• Which tech­ni­ques can be used during the interview?
• How to inves­ti­ga­te the per­so­nal fee­lings and emo­ti­ons of the respond­ents during the interview?
• How to prepa­re ones­elf for the in-depth interview?
• Which wri­ting methods help? Can we descri­be rea­li­ty through fic­tion techniques?

Trai­ner: Maia Chi­ta­ia is a jour­na­list and has recent­ly gra­dua­ted from the Mas­ter of Gen­der Stu­dies. She is an acti­vist in the women’s move­ment in Geor­gia. She is one of the aut­hors and initia­tors of the femi­nist plat­form ‘Women of Geor­gia’ (( which pres­ents more than 250 per­so­nal sto­ries of women from dif­fe­rent social back­grounds, age groups and geo­gra­phic locations.

The trai­ning addres­ses pro­fes­sio­nal media repre­sen­ta­ti­ves as well as new­co­mers in media. The work­shop will be deli­ver­ed in Eng­lish, but it is pos­si­ble to con­duct and to pre­sent the inter­views in German.

»> The trai­ning is free of charge.
»> To app­ly, plea­se send an e‑mail to: by March 27th, 2019; we will let you know about your appli­ca­ti­on until April 1st, 2019


4. April 2019
16:00 - 21:00
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Radio ORANGE 94.0
Klosterneuburger Straße 1
Wien, 1200
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